Article: Part 3: Up and Running

Part 3: Up and Running
So here we are back in the retail business.
The "twenty-oneth" year of the 2000's flew by so quickly, it really doesn't feel like we had a year between 2020 and 2022.
Glancing at the surface, we don't feel like we have accomplished anything monumental at Trusted Gear Company in 2021; but as we dig a little deeper and actually consider the details, we have to recognize that good things take time to build, and the steps we have taken thus far are the foundation of this small company. We have big dreams, so building a foundation the right way is going to serve everyone better in the future.
Something that did happen toward the end of 2021 that we best not forget, is that we opened our very first brick and mortar store in Kalispell (Evergreen), MT! We have been building inventory and preparing for a busy 2022. We are excited to have a place where we can serve and network with our customers the old fashioned way.
Stop by and see us when you're in the area!